gary . jaja . mia . mika

gary . jaja . mia . mika


Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.

- Pablo Picasso

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Playgroup : Islamic Playgroup hosted by Kak Duh (Yaya)

Salam n hi!

Hari ini nak cerita skit pasal playgroup yang kami attend.

First one this year was at Kak Duh's house. It was an Islamic Playgroup. Free & easy non-structured style. The Moms can borak2 to keep their sanity lol! (this is soooo true okeh!).

So while the mak2 borak2 inside the house... Hani (Kak Duh's daughter) take the kiddos outside for a nature walk around the house and she managed to host a drawing competiton! So cool heh! No need adult to tell her what to do. Got prize giving ceremony and all.

Dapat pulak pinjam buku yg ku cari2 selama ini!!!! Thank you so much Kak Duh!

So after the that since da dekat kitorg pun trus ke ikea ngeh ngeh lamaaaaa xmakan meatball!

Pastu tgh jalan2 kt ikea a friend text me kasitau she bank in some money for me to buy stuff for the 2 less fortunate kids i help to teach at home. Alhamdulillah.... So ape lagi ke kedai buku la kita hehehe.... Pick some books for the kids and of coz for Big M too.

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